00 22/05/2009 10:36
Grazie Lucio

Chi desiderasse lavorare nel settore delle meteore ma non solo,sappia che ci sono disponibili uno o due posti di dottorato presso l'Osservatorio Astronomico di Armagh.  La selezione sarà durissima, ma tentar non nuoce.


Some of you may be interested to know that there are still 1 or 2 PhD
positions available at Armagh Observatory that have not been awarded in the
first selection round. Candidates from all countries may apply (DCAL
position), however it is very important to submit your application this
weekend as another selection round will take place next week.

Armagh has a rich history in meteor science (e.g. Ernst Öpik, David Asher),
so this is a possible research topic.

Best wishes,

Geert Barentsen

Fate girare la voce se potete. Grazie
[Modificato da ninmah62 22/05/2009 10:39]
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